In 1999 at the international assembly of ICOMOS the international document “The principles for preserving historic wooden constructions” was accepted. In this document they determined the rules for carrying out restoration work. Namely: according to historical technologies, historical tools, using historical materials, reproducing historic constructions. Besides this documents mention training of specialists-restorers.
In the beginning of 1990-s training in the A. Popov’s centre in the village Nenoksa in the Archangelsk region was based on the following principle: a student became a craftsman’s apprentice. This principle produced very good results at that time; they managed to train the whole group of carpenters-restorers. But time has shown that practical skills are not sufficient to become a professional restorer. Knowledge of abstract sciences and broadened horizon are required. For this reason we have had to enlarge the list of subjects without which it is impossible to master this profession.
Now the training process is the following: students study design, drawing, history of art, history of wooden architecture, history of Russia, science of materials, technologies of restoration work and other subjects. Besides they acquire practical skills in the carpentry and joinery. Moreover, they become familiar with modern equipment necessary for indirect labour to lighten the handicraft work.
And not only for that: modern equipment and materials are used in the conservation work. And the main thing is that students take part in the restoration work according to the principle which was used already in the beginning of 1990-s. When the work starts with preparation of the material and then goes the whole complex of restoration work together with the experienced specialists-restorers in accordance with the principle “craftsman – apprentice”.
In this case the student not only studies old craftsmen’s methods and masters them in practice, improving professional skills but he also learns to carry them out in actual practice on the historic monument. And it is not the same than to make a junction at school. Today in the town Kirillov of the Vologda Region there is a “Restoration centre – Architecture, Work, Training”. It maintains the training tradition of the A. Popov’s centre. The training experience is more than 15 years. But besides carpenters and joiners-restorers, architects can raise the level of their skills in this centre. For example, students of the Moscow Academy of Architecture have begun to do practical work on the Kirillov monuments. We hope to create an international centre.